MAKKA® Fiber

MAKKA® Fiber

What is MAKKA® Fiber?

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MAKKA® Fiber is a natural, water-soluble dietary fiber supplement. It tastes a bit sweet and comes in powder form. Extracted from Maltodextrin (Fibersol-2) corn, MAKKA® Fiber is a great addition to your diet, helping to keep the balance and aiding your digestive system.

Why is MAKKA® Fiber good for you?

Fibersol-2 is a GMO free probiotic that resists the digestive enzymes and helps to maintain the balance in the intestinal flora.
The dietary fiber slows down the absorption of gucose, therefore helps to maintain the level of blood sugar. So it is beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes and for weightwatchers as well. The water-soluble fibers can boost your metabolism and make your body burn calories faster. Fiber lowers the cholesterol level, it can indirectly protect you from developing a heart-disease.

Content: Maltodextrin (Fibersol-2) extracted from corn

Weightloss and controlled bloodsugar. It is possible with MAKKA® Fiber

Nowadays diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and intestinal cancer affect more and more people. Healthy lifestyle, a varied, balanced diet and the right dietary supplements could help you reach your optimal bodyweight and maintain a normal level of bloodsugar and cholesterol. One of these supplements is the dietary fiber which has loads of benefits for your body.

Fiber-rich diet

Due to our hectic daily routine, we cannot always make sure to consume enough fibers. That is why sometimes dietary supplements, like MAKKA® Fiber (maltodextrin – Fibersol-2) come in handy, providing the necessary intake of this nutrient. It comes in practical packaging, one packet a day takes care of our fiber intake.

What is maltodextrin?

Maltodextrin is an easily digestable carbohydrate, widely used ingredient of biofood products. Usually it is extracted from corn and comes in powder form.
MAKKA® Fiber’s maltodextrin is a slow-absorption carbohydrate. It is easy to digest and on the long run it could be beneficial for our gastric health. Regular consumption could lower the risk of colorectal cancer and hemorrhoid.
Dietary fiber makes you feel full, without the calories, so it is a perfest supplement for weight watchers. Moreover it could help stabilize the level of bloodsugar between meals, as it slows down the absorption of glucose.

Slimming with fiber

Maintaining our optimal weight and paying attention to our bodies plays a key part in our overall health and wellbeing. Some drastic diets may give you fantastic results, but they tend to be short term solutions. To maintain our weight on the long run, dietary fibers are the go-to supplements of our diet.
Consuming dietary fibers, like MAKKA® Fiber (maltodextrin – Fibersol-2) could reduce the feeling of hunger by making you feel full and tricking your brain by elevating the level of glikogen which sends the signal „You ate enough, you are full.” Basically the fiber-rich meals make you feel full quicker so you eat less of them to stop the hunger. Another great benefit of fiber is the detox effect, thanks to the metabolism-boost it gives.
All of these make MAKKA® Fiber a fantastic nutritional supplement that helps you achieve your ideal weight and keep it.

Fiber rich diet in a blink of an eye

Where does MAKKA® Fiber fit into our diet? It is really easy, just add itt o your morning orange juice, tea, yoghurt, or simply put a teaspoon of it into our coffee. There is no need to change our morning routine, it is a perfectly convenient way to get the nutrients we need without any effort.
We can also add MAKKA® Fiber to our home-cooked meals. Simply add it to soups or cookies and cakes. It helps your whole family to get the necessary fibers without altering the taste and flavour they know and love. It has no recognizable tase, nor does it alter the texture of your meals. MAKKA® Fiber is a must-have in a healthy kitchen.

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